Disclaimer: I was so nervous to tell my husband “I’m Pregnant!” We weren’t necessarily trying – so I knew I wasn’t going to get one of those “No way?!” excited reactions that go viral. I knew going into this he was going to be shocked & it was going to be comical. We have two boys already who are 6 & 9 (on Sunday!) so we kind of thought having another child at this point would feel like starting over.
My period was a week late but I honestly thought that it was because of stress. I had just decided to leave my full time/wonderful government job for a job offer that was exactly what I wanted to do in life… almost too good to be true – spoiler alert the job was too good to be true and left me running away after one week! It wasn’t the job – but the direct manager who had me coming home in tears everyday…feeling as if I made a huge mistake. I decided to quit that job and pursue blogging full time. A huge financial risk – but it felt 100% like what the universe was pushing me to do. Life is way too short and I want to spend my days joyful – giving that joy back to my family/friends/community.
So when I took the pregnancy test and seen the positive – – – let me tell you – I was shocked hunty! I was excited. I was nervous. I was thrilled!!!! My husband was at work & the boys were right outside the bathroom door. I wanted to bust out the door, tell the kids, & call my husband instantly. He’s my best friend – I tell him everything!
First thing I did was call my mom 100x until she answered saying, “I’m at work – what’s wrong!? I told her the news and she was so excited – she has been begging for another grandbabe – I snap chatted my best friend and told her. That made it a little easier to keep from the husband – knowing I wasn’t alone with this secret. I scheduled my OB appointment, then got to work thinking of how to surprise the hubs.
I knew I wanted to film his reaction so decided tricking him into making a youtube video would be the best way. I asked him to sit down and film a Valentine’s Day couples Q&A video with me for my channel. The day before I went and bought a pack of onesies and Valentine’s Day gift bag. I tossed the positive test in the bag and hid it in the corner. At the end of the video I said we had one more question to answer but it was in a bag – he had to reach in and pull it out.
Watch the video here to see his reaction & learn a little more about us:
This was worth the wait – his reaction was priceless!! I’m so glad I filmed it. He was totally shocked for a good 24 hours lol Now he is absolutely thrilled and will tell you he “knows” this one is a girl. I love my husband so much and I am so excited to be bringing another life into this world with him. Stay tuned for how we told our sons we will be having another baby!
I wanted to leave you all with 9 additional ideas to surprise your significant others with the news of a new baby! I highly recommend recording their reactions. We also recording some friends and Derrek’s parents and it is soooooo much fun to go back and watch. I can’t wait to show baby all these people who prayed for him/her to join our family & their reactions!
9 Ways To Tell Your Significant Other Your Pregnant
1.) Plan A Photo Shoot – I loooove all the photos of the dads smiling not realizing the sign their woman is holding over their shoulder says something like “we are having a baby” or “he doesn’t know he’s going to be a dad” Sooooo cute!!!
2.) Wrap Up The Pregnancy Test – It’s so fun watching them open it up! Hearing Derrek in our video say, “did you really pee on this?” still makes me laugh.
3.) Gift Him A Book About Being A Dad – disclaimer, Derrek got one of these books with Trevor (our first and never actually finished filling it out lol)

4.) Bun In The Oven – Put a bun in the oven & ask him to check on what’s in the oven. Write a cute note saying, “we are going to be parents!”
5.) Let Your Kids/Pets Surprise – If this isn’t your first pregnancy – have your kids get involved! Let them or your pets wear a cute “big sister” or “big brother” tee in front of them and see how long it takes for them to notice.
6.) Bake A Treat – Bake a customized cookie or cake that says “BABY!”
7.) Buy Them Coffee – Take them to Starbucks & secretly have the barista write “dad to be” on their cup! If you want to keep the secret at home – there’s so many cute dad mugs you can buy as a gift and tell him at home. Make his coffee in the mug that morning and see how long it takes for him to notice.
8.) Send Him Diapers – This sounds so fun. Purchase some diapers via Amazon Prime or Target and send them his way. I feel like he will be like “what?”
9.) Baby App Notification – Download a baby app on his phone when he’s not looking. You can set it up for notifications – it will say something like “week 5 – read about baby today” I love The Bump App!
There you have it! Our pregnancy surprise + 9 ways you can celebrate your big news! Thank you so much for reading. Make sure to follow me over on Instagram where you can keep up on baby news – what we are up to!

Read My Pregnancy Announcement Blog!
[…] Make sure to read my latest post: How I Told My Husband I’m Pregnant + 9 Ways To Tell Yours […]